Fiona came home indignant the other day. She said, in an incredulous tone of voice, "Did you know some people didn't vote for Obama because he's black?".
While I am pleased that she is flabbergasted that it would even occur to someone to vote for a person based on the color of their skin, I am sad that she even has to be exposed to this idea.
We did have a nice little chat about the irrelevance of physical appearance vs. the actions of a person.
The reason for this outburst is that one of her friends made a declaration to Fiona that, in their school election, she didn't vote for Obama, because she doesn't like people with black skin.
In other news, Fiona also apparently mooned some of her friends at school and we got a little phone call about that. That's a big deal now. If you moon your friends on the playground, the playground supervisor talks to you, the nurse talks to you, the teacher talks to you, your MOM talks to you (look, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on!), and they call the parents of all the kids who were mooned. When the playground supervisor came up after school to talk to me and said an incident had occurred with Fiona on the playground, I immediately thought something had happened like she had taken someone out or something.
Anyway, it seems Fiona was handled okay and not shamed or anything. There apparently was no daring or bullying or anything weird going on. I guess it's a tricky line for the school. As to why she pulled down her pants in front of people, Fiona said she thought it would be funny. This is completely plausible to me.
Thursday we're meeting with a realtor, who has looked at our house, and hopefully after this meeting our house will be on the market for sale! Saturday we leave for just over a week for Houston/Galveston. I believe the goal is to find a house to buy in Friendswood. I'm going to visit the schools in Friendswood because they seem great online, but nothing replaces a personal inspection.