That is Fiona's latest phrase that she repeats continually throughout the day....
She has tried to cheer up a friend at school by putting a chair next to hers (said friend was at the window, waiting for her mom :( )and sitting down and saying "Now you don't have to be sad because I am sitting next to you and I am your friend!"
Sophia is sleeping better now. Fiona is sleeping a bit better--for a couple of days she was congested, but I think it is subsiding. I guess that comes with the territory of schooling....
Sophia is so pleased that she is mobile. If she wakes up before Fiona (for nap time) and I don't get there first, she will go over to Fiona and crawl all over her, laughing. So far, Fiona doesn't mind. Sophia is also pleased she can follow me. If only she would stop pretending to be the human vacuum cleaner....
There is this actual "Yellow Submarine" at the hobby store. Fiona pants every time we visit and last time, the owner said it just sits there and we could have it for half the price. So now Fiona is the owner of a Yellow Submarine replica! She is quite pleased.
Thank you, Lone Star Ma :)
Yay for the Yellow Submarine replica! Wow! That was really nice.
Fiona is so classy. ;) And can't wait to see vid of Sophia in action!
Fiona is so sweet! Such a good person! I remember asking you once what your parents did to make you so good (something about sunglasses and extortion) have apparently passed it on!
Aw, thanks, alex and lone star ma :)
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