Thursday, August 17, 2006

She Won!

A few weeks ago, the library ran a poster contest for its 100th anniversary in September. There was a category for Fiona's age group, so she did a poster for fun. I forgot all about it until just now when they called and told us she won her category!

She said, "I bet it was the glitter that did it".


Kami said...

That's cool! CONGRATS!

Veloute said...

Thanks! :) And thanks for coming by!

Anonymous said...

Mwahahaha! *high-fives Fiona* You go, glitter girl. ♥

(Do we get to see a photo of this fab work? :D )

Veloute said...

But of course! If I can :)

Triana said...


I bet it was the glitter too! Glitter makes all better.

Sweet! I can't wait to see it! So are they going to make like prints of it to hang all around?

Lone Star Ma said...

How cool! Congrats!

reviewer said...

Cool!! Glitter makes the world a better place :)