Thanks to EllenAim for inspiring me to put my Simpsonized picture here (I just realized we are wearing the same outfit, how embarrassing!) and also thank you for the:
If only I were worthy! I agree with your award most wholeheartedly. Your blog is extremely entertaining. I also agree that Triana is most deserving.
It has been a rough few days. I shlepped the kids and a picnic lunch to an unknown playground at a school and we weren't there 15 minutes when, worried I left the car lights on, I dashed off to check the car, leaving my friend Jen in charge with the kids. Sophia noticed after a few moments and dashed after me, tripping and sliding on her face and shoulder across the asphalt (not the grass or the playground mulch, the asphalt. Of course). She had a very big upper lip, a very scraped and bloody nose, scraped shoulder, hand, and cheek. She was a total mess. I felt horrible. I had no wipes or tissues (I had just used them up, okay?). I borrowed some. She didn't even want to stop for a popsicle or ice cream. We went straight home and I found a lone popsicle in the freezer. I gave her Tylenol (she said her lip hurt). She looks much better now and is totally herself. I am still recovering.
For some reason, our source for big organic blueberries is not doing so well this year, so I buy what I can at the farmer's market and hope that next week she can bring me a case of them. I did get some blackberries, too, which aren't as nice as the ones I got in Utah, but Sophia adores them and will eat them rapidly and with great concentration. It is also cold. I am not sure it's even in the 70s anymore. Time to buy all that lovely snow gear, I fear.
omg, aww!!! Somehow it's always worse for me imagining your reaction in these situations!!
Glad she's ok. Must remember to send email about her bday ideas...sobo and I were at target the other day...
Oh and dude, my pants were BROWN, totally different outfits fer sure...
At least we have good taste. (?)
Aw! Poor lip!
Ouch! Sorry! I'm glad she's better!
She healed very quickly, thank goodness. But to this day, she continues to tell Doug all about it. She will say she fell down at the playground and got hurt because she was chasing Mommy/trying to get Mommy/wanted Mommy.
Yeah, I feel great.
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