Saturday, January 07, 2006

So it's Been Ten Years

I also have neglected to mention that last Christmas was our 10th wedding anniversary. It is sort of amazing it has been that long and yet sometimes it seems longer -- in the sense that so far we have been "married without kids" for a longer period than "married with kids" ... and it seems SO long ago that we did not have our children with us yet.

I feel extremely fortunate to have found someone who is such an excellent mate and father and person in general. He loves me and he wants to be with me. It's an amazing combination. He is my true penguin.

I love you, Doug. Thanks for the many wonderful years and the many more to come.


Lone Star Ma said...

So wonderful.

Triana said...

Hooray for 10 years!! That's just fabulous! And here's to 10X10 more! I can't wait until Jeff and I can say that.