Monday, December 18, 2006

Cutie Cutie Kokee revisited

The frog, remember? He's still with us. Fiona has added on to his name, and I am guessing at the spelling. The accent is on the first syllable.

He sings. No one told us they sing. We found out after Fiona abandoned her room again. She only slept in her room for a week (unrelated to CCK). Wait. We need more background here.

Doug got an iPod nano for me for our anniversary! I have named her Shiny. We all refer to her as Shiny. What Shiny mostly does is play stories for Fiona. I get them at, which you should definitely discover right now, if you haven't already. She is really loving The Secret Garden and I feel like Cultured Mother. Doug also showed me these pillows that have a speaker in the middle and you can hook your iPod up to. The things they have these days. You can't hear it unless you are lying on the pillow. The first night we put her to bed with this, it did not work, but Doug also stayed with her. Now she goes by herself, and so far, after two nights, she falls asleep during the story.

However, after that first night, Doug asked me incredulously, "Did you hear the frog?" I think he asked me in the morning, so at first I attributed it to early morning delirium. He was totally serious, however. I was reassuring. It had to be the noise machine in the middle bedroom, which I use right now, playing "Summer Night". He was adamant it was not.

We brought the CCK downstairs to change his water. One night with the girls upstairs asleep, we were able to sit in front of the fire watching Kinky Boots. At the end of the movie, we sat a bit and then I heard the noise. Sort of like crickets. I went to check Kokee. He stopped. Doug joined me. We started talking, then the frog started chirping, too. I feel like I should call and ask about this. First, he eats his fellow frog and now he sings. Doug wonders if he is calling for a mate. Maybe he's just hungry.


Anonymous said...

aw! I would love a photo of Kokee. ♥

Veloute said...

That will be difficult, but I will try. He will be hard to see. I took pictures of Pippi and Sweety but they were blurry. I'll try again!

Ellen Aim said...

I love Kokee. Weird.

Did you like Kinky Boots? I found it disappointing. :(

Anonymous said...

I wanna hear the frog sing! That's totally awesome!

Lone Star Ma said...

He sounds like a very fascinating pet!

Hey, Triana! I would like to read your blog if still welcome am I!

Anonymous said...

You are still welcome! I sent you an invite, but maybe it was the wrong address? I got it from your website. Check your junkmail as it would be coming from a hotmail account, maybe it got marked as spam. I'll go resend it now!

Veloute said...

I did like Kinky Boots. Ok, it was totally predictable, but it was fun.

KoKee has stopped singing. I hope he starts up again soon.