Pungent, there's a fabulous word. Pungent as in Sweet and Pungent Walnuts, from A Single Pebble. That is one of my favorites, along with the Mock Eel. Yes, my friends, we went today, taking along the girls. It wasn't exactly a roaring success, but it didn't suck, either. Sophia didn't eat anything at all and Fiona only ate tea, rice, and pork...but! she tried everything! This is huge! So when we went by Starbucks (I know, I know, evil coffee empire) because my sister Alex so kindly informed me that they have the Pumpkin Spice Latte again (there is no Starbucks anywhere near where I live, so this is a special treat...otherwise I would find myself frittering away our disposable income, I'm sure), I bought them each a slice of pumpkin bread. Hey, it probably has pumpkin in it, right? What's better for you than pumpkin? Hell if I know.
Fiona's teacher and the other kindergarten teacher came for a home visit, and Fiona immediately showed them in and, without pause, took them to her room, and showed them her dragon books, her dinosaur bone puzzles, her calico critter house, and Sweety and Pippi. Everyone loves those parakeets. She didn't seem too interested in learning more about class or the school or anything else. Her teacher asked her a question as Fiona was rummaging in her jewelry box, and Fiona said, completely in her own world, "Look at this beautiful ring I found!". She took quite readily to her teachers and even gave her teacher a hug. At this point, there are only 12 kids in her class. Only 4 of them are boys.
Sophia started Kindermusic today, and we went as a family. The teacher was especially pleased to see Fiona as Fiona has been going since before she started walking and Fiona really likes this teacher. Sophia stayed glued to Doug unless she was dancing and twirling and running around. She seemed to enjoy the class. One of these Kindermusic songs is a little too catchy and it has been in my head for about 4 years. Fiona heard it again today and she remarked to me, as if she were slightly perplexed, that she couldn't seem to get it out of her head. I told her it was, unfortunately, normal.
That made me lol. If you keep some sort of diary for her, that would be worth noting for the future. Ah, the day you learned that music can FUCK WITH YOU.
Oh Lukey's Boat is painted green
a-ha, me boys
Oh Lukey's Boat is painted green
The finest boat you've ever seen
a-ha me riddle aye-a
Oh Lukey's Boat is painted green
a-ha, me girls
Oh Lukey's Boat is painted green
The finest boat you've ever seen
a-ha me riddle aye-a
Maybe writing it out will purge it from my head.
Oh, I will try to save little tidbits of information like this, to be sure!
I do not think I would want the children's teachers visisting my house - shiver. Cleaning for family visits is bad enough.
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