A typical morning at the purple house.
Sophia. In front of a plate of eggs. "I don't want this!" Me: "Then don't eat them." Sophia eats the eggs and asks for more.
Fiona wants to bring her fairies to show (the whole small suitcase of them) at school. I remind her of the recently reinforced rule of no toys at school. Fiona: "But I haven't shown anything at show and tell in a while." There is no show and tell. Me: "Your teacher's rule is no toys at school". Fiona: "But I want to show my fairies." Me: "No toys at school." Fiona: "I'm just going to bring my fairies." Me. Chewing off my arm. Doug: "This conversation is over". (Aside: we have said she can invite her classmates over to show her fairies. She is bringing her teacher and the one across the hall their own fairies tomorrow.)
Sophia: "I want juice!" Me: "We have no juice." Sophia: "Juice! I want juice!" Me: "We have no juice." Sophia: "Please?" Me: "We have no juice." Sophia: "UUUURRGGGG!!!" Me: "I'm sorry. We will buy more later. How about water or milk?" Sophia: "Juice." Me, leaving the room. Sophia: "MILK! I WANT MILK!" Me: "Can you ask for it a different way?" Sophia: "May I have some milk, please?" Me: "Yes!" Gets milk. Sophia: "I want water."
It's 7:28 AM.
*patpatpat*draws a hot bath and pours a glass of wine to give to Vel*
I think I have the same conversations with my kids only it's "meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow" with me saying "WHAT??" But I see now all that wishing they would speak English wouldn't do me any good at all.
This so made me laugh.
*send bottle of red and some Lush bombs your way*
It sounds like you live at my house...
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