Friday, February 06, 2009

It Looks Like It's Really Happening

Texas. We can move anytime, actually. Like now. However, we'll probably wait until the end of the school year and then move. Obviously, if there is a house to move into.

Looks like the leading contender is Dallas! I said winner earlier, but apparently, there are twists.

I was trying not to get my hopes up...and I'm still a little wary and probably will be until all our stuff is in a moving van in the driveway.


Anonymous said...


SkylersDad said...

Big news! And I like your spiffy new look!

Triana said...

We are so happy we do the dance of joy!

REB said...

That's wonderful. I've already warned Toshi and Mirelle. Their white spots grew noticeably larger.

Anonymous said...

Hee! That would be faaaaaaaaaabulous!

Lone Star Ma said...


THEN will you come visit me???!!!!

Ellen Aim said...

HOORAY!! **VERY** excited!!

You realize this cements my going to school in New England, right? Lol.

Veloute said...

SkylersDad: Thank you! :)
LSM: YES!!!!!
EA: Ya, sorry ;) I'll still visit. But not in wintertime. No, never in cold winter time, when belly buttons hide (Sorry, a picture book that is stuck in my head for all eternity).

Oh, right, the kitties. They should indeed be afraid. Very afraid.

Definitely doing the dance of joy and glee.

Maggie May said...

hey sweetie!!! can you believe our girls are SEVEN!!! so great to see you. xoxox

Emily Brown said...

wow!! we have been thinking about texas too, somewhere near pasadea though

Veloute said...

Maggie! No. No I can NOT believe it! It's so good to see you :D

Em, OMG! The other strong contender for location is actually Clear Lake or League City...something north of Galveston, south of Houston (Galveston is location of one company that would like to hire D). Pasadena looks pretty close at first blush?

Veloute said...

Ok, yes, about 23 minutes, lol. O_o

I'll keep you updated :)